We’d like to remind homeowners to take extra precautions when selecting a roofing company to work on your home. Any enterprising individual can get business cards and begin marketing home improvement services, especially with the wide reach of the internet to help get the word out. However, the internet also gives you as a consumer the power to research contractors and weed out those who aren’t reputable, or who are known to cut corners to make a little extra profit. Here are some important requirements to look for in any company you hire to work on your home.
- License and insurance. A Virginia state contractor’s license is the first item that any contractor worth his salt should have. To acquire a license, the contractor must pass a standardized exam, have proven experience in the field, and abide by state regulations. He must also carry workers compensation and liability insurance to protect you financially in the event of accident or injury. Choosing a contractor who doesn’t have licensing and insurance is a gamble that could end up costing you big time.
- Established reputation. Hiring a contractor with a long history of quality service in your area protects you from the fly-by-night contractors who may not be available in the future should you have a problem with the work. A local, established business is much more likely to possess a long-term commitment to your satisfaction.
- Ratings, reviews and references. Numerous references, both online and in person, help you to verify much of the information a contractor gives you. Most importantly, you will be able to learn about the level of service the contractor provides from those who have experienced it first-hand. Also check out a company’s rating with the Better Business Bureau.
- Certifications. Manufacturer certifications such as the GAF Master Elite™ program demonstrate a contractor’s level of commitment to excellence, because he had to pass a rigorous screening and testing process to become certified. Certification further ensures quality workmanship and also makes you eligible for the best warranty coverage.
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