Years ago, I came across this nugget of wisdom that I have held onto as truth. "It is not you that determines if you’re an expert. It is those you serve who determine whether you’re in fact an expert in whatever area you study, teach, model, live and work.
Read MoreWith another round of COVID affecting our lives, it’s important now more than ever to plan and live our lives to the fullest, despite what is happening around us. I’ve been thinking more and more about my goals for 2022.
Read MoreWhen it comes to roofing, traditional materials will never go out of style. They are sought after because they are considered renewable and add so much beauty to a home.
Read MoreEach year before making any New Year's resolutions and writing down personal goals, I like to look back at the months behind us. It's a great time to review what we've accomplished, and what areas in both our personal and professional lives still need work.
Read MoreWhen it comes to any part of your home breaking or notfunctioning properly, you have two options to look into: repair or replacement.
Read MoreI’ve shared many times about the ways I’ve worked to improveRoofing & More as a company over the years – for our community, ourcustomers and especially our employees.
Read MoreHaving a home that stands up against whatever nature throwsyour way is the best way to ensure that your family and belongings areprotected.
Read MoreAtthe beginning and end of the year, much of my focus as the president of Roofing& More revolves around making goals and reaching numbers. This time ofyear, though, is a great time to take a step back and look at the biggerpicture.
Read MoreOne year into COVID-19, every business owner can say thevirus affected their company in some shape or form. They’ve likely learned afew lessons about adapting and efficiency, and changed their business model tokeep things running smoothly.
Read MoreEach month in the President’s Corner article, I write about my current thoughts as the leader of my company, Roofing & More. You may have noticed that like most other businesses, my focus for the past few months has been COVID-19 and how we are handling it as a company .
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