This year marks 28 years since I filled out the paperworkand officially became a business owner. Looking back, it is interesting torevisit the initial vision I had when starting my business. I pictured a futurewith the freedom to do what I want, extra time spent with family and friends,and more money in my pocket. However, I quickly learned the realities as thebusiness began to grow and I hired my first employee. I learned how much wasinvolved beyond installing
: working with other people, reading resumesand giving interviews, onboarding and training new employees, and so much more.Then, as the business grew, I had to learn budgeting, creating business plans,setting goals and much more.
Professional & Personal Lessons
I’ve also learned many important personal lessons in thesepast 28 years of running a business, starting on day one of opening andcontinuing all the way until today. First, I’ve learned just how fast time cango by, and not to take it for granted. Secondly, I’ve learned how much my faithand God have carried me through the years. Through the good times and thedifficult times, both personally and professionally, God has been there toguide me through the ups and downs of life.
Last, and most importantly, I’ve learned how much the peoplethat God placed around me have made a difference in my life and my business.Out of the tragedy when my son passed in 2007, God brought my daughter, Marie,back into my life, and she has helped run the business with me for the past 14years. I have also been given a great executive leadership team and manywonderful employees, who have all contributed to the success of Roofing &More. My business coach, Phil, has been a gift as well, and has brought some ofthe best qualities out of each of us, and taught us that the biggest thing wecan do to grow is to believe in ourselves. Phil has helped me structure thebusiness and create a place where people are satisfied, fulfilled and excitedto come to work.
Blessings on My Journey
Of course, it isn’t just the people around me at work thathave helped me build a successful business. My wife, Chris, has been the mostsupportive and encouraging partner, and has been there for me through the yearswhen business wasn’t great and money was lost, through the best years ofbusiness and everything in between. On days I wanted to give up, she alwaysgave me the words I needed to keep the business going.
I am so thankful for all that has happened in the past 28years, and the people in my life. I couldn’t have done it without them and amblessed to have them on my journey.
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