When it comes to working on your home, there are anabundance of
:different manufacturers, different materials, colors, product lines and more.Some of these options are better than others, and here at Roofing & More,we have done a great deal of research to ensure that we are working with thebest of the best. For example, we have written in past articles about
for our customers’
needs. Not only does the company provide excellent customer service, but theirproducts meet the standards and expectations that have set for wind ratings,impact resistance and more. However, within the selections available from GAF,there are still many options from which to choose.
The Right Solution for Your Home/Building
Just like when buying an automobile, choosing the right roofing for your home islargely dependent on an individual’s budget and perspective. Though the car maybe considered a quality car, there are still upgrades to select that take itfrom “good” to “better,” or from “better” to “best.” The roofing you selectfrom GAF will always meet local, state and manufacturer requirements and standout against other roof brands, but there are choices you can make based on yourneeds to have a roof that is more durable or last even longer.
For example, a “good” roofing system will have a standard warranty, goodmaterials and a wind resistance of around 90 mph. A “better” system will bemade from the same shingles, but with a few extras, like more nails per shinglefor higher wind resistance of up to 130 mph, or added ice and water guard forextra protection against weathering. The “best” system will have all of the“better” adjustments, with an enhanced breathability underlayment to help withhome ventilation.
Now, it’s important to remember that no matter what youchoose, Roofing & More will still install a quality system on your home.Opting for the “best” option just because it’s deemed the “best” isn’t alwaysthe right choice for your or your home. This is where Roofing & More isable to offer “more” to our customers: through asking the right questions tolearn about you and your home. We will then recommend the system we think isthe right one for your lifestyle and plans. Of course, the choice is alwaysyours – and we’ll always give you “more.”
Schedule a Free Consultation & Estimate Today
Now is a great time to take a look at your roof, especiallywith the cold weather setting in upon us. Give the Roofing & More team acall at (703) 467-0206 or submit our online form to schedule a FREE ESTIMATEtoday!
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