Your home is worth the very best, which is why Roofing &More takes special care when training employees and choosing manufacturers andproducts. In the upcoming months, wind will become one of the biggest dangersto your home, threatening to tear shingles, siding and more away from yourhome. We have written in the past about
whywe think GAF Roofingis the best option
for our customers’ homes and, during the windy season,we know that with the right product and warranty, their investment will beprotected.
Protecting Against Wind Damage
When considering wind and the impacts on a roof system foryour home, the first item to review is location. In the areas of NorthernVirginia that Roofing & More services, many of the subdivisions wereconstructed on landscapes that were previously open fields, with little windprotection from trees or other features. This plays a big factor in which typeof shingles we install on your home, and how much extra protection we use – likethe amount of nails. Even great products like GAF shingles won't hold upon their own; they need to be professionally installed with your location inmind to stand up against wind damage.
Reliable Warranty Coverage
Of course, even with a great product and expert installation,the unpredictable can happen – like severe storms with high wind speeds. Thisis where the third factor behind a good product comes in: the warranty. We knowthat GAF stands behind its warranties and cares for both us as the contractorand our customers. However, it is also in part up to the homeowner to choose awarranty. At Roofing & More, we review these options with our customers, helpingthem make the best choice for their home to ensure that when high winds arrive,it is within the mph range that is included with their warranty.
Get MORE With Roofing & More
Giving “more” to our customers means carrying the bestproducts, having the best installation practices and helping them choose thebest warranty to protect their home from spring winds. Now is a great time totake a look at your roof, especially with the cold weather upon us. Give theRoofing & More team a call at (703) 467-0206 to schedulea free estimate today!
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