Here at Roofing & More, Inc., we are big fans of JamesHardie® fiber cement siding to help provide “more” to our customers. James Hardiesiding has always been a product we stand behind and feel confident aboutinstalling on our customers’ homes because of its longevity and durability, andthe manufacturer’s green efforts.
Don’t Underestimate Beauty
However, something we haven’t talked enough about is theaesthetics of JamesHardie siding, and just how much it can increase the curb appeal and valueof a home. It is rare to find a product that stands up against others in termsof reliability and also looks great. James Hardie siding helps us offer more toour customers with what goes into their products, but it also helps us offermore to our customers in terms of beauty.
Even if you aren’t looking to sell your home in the comingyears, increasing the curb appeal of your home is beneficial to you and theneighbors around you. It helps your home turn heads and can help transform yourneighborhood overall. We have heard from customers that after making changes totheir home’s exterior, like adding beautiful siding, they are excited to drivehome every day. We have also heard from others in the industry that they cantell a home has James Hardie siding versus vinyl or other siding from down theroad as they approach – it’s just that good!
Get a Free Siding Estimate
Overall, James Hardie siding is a product we know we willcontinue to offer to our customers for years to come. It looks great on paperwith durable materials and looks great in person. Interested in a free estimatefor this premium siding product? Contact Roofing & More today at (571)410-0274 or fill out our onlineform to schedule a no-obligation consultation anywhere in Northern Virginia.
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