Atthe beginning and end of the year, much of my focus as the president of Roofing& More revolves around making goals and reaching numbers. This time ofyear, though, is a great time to take a step back and look at the biggerpicture. Being the president of a company means more than just making sure thebusiness is running smoothly. It means using your experiences, professionalknowledge and resources to help transform lives, change your business andimpact your community.
Transform a Life
Becauseof my experience, I am able to help other business owners through coaching,which is one way I can help transform someone else’s life for the better. Forexample, I recently had a coaching call with a father-and-son-owned company,where issues within the business were causing disruptions to the family. I wasable to help them talk through some of their issues, and later on receivedpositive feedback that our call was helpful in moving forward.
Ialso hope to transform the lives of my employees, because I care more about theperson than the position. Even when I’m challenging them, it is with theultimate goal of helping them grow and improve their lives.
Change a Business
Roofing& More has certainly changed over the years and continues to grow andevolve. However, the best way for me to change the business now is to take astep back. Often, my own drive and persistence can be my company's biggestproblem, and I need to let my team of leaders take the wheel.
Impact a Community
Asa business owner, the easiest way you can impact your community is by havingintegrity. We made a promise to our customers in our mission statement to runour business with integrity and honesty. It is my hope that this will have apositive ripple effect on other businesses in our community and in ourcustomers’ lives.
As I continue to lead our company, I expect togrow in all of these areas – not just in numbers. I also want to inspire myteam to do the same, and build our company to be one that changes the lives ofthose around us.
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