Having a home that stands up against whatever nature throwsyour way is the best way to ensure that your family and belongings areprotected. At Roofing & More, our goal is to provide “more” to ourcustomers, and we are able to do this by helping them outfit their home withmaterials that can handle summer storms.
If your home is older and starting to show signs of wear, orthe products you have aren’t up to par, you may be considering an exterior homemakeover. These are the top four lines of defense when it comes to summerstorms, in order of importance:
Your Roofing System
The roofingsystem you have matters when it comes to weather. Depending on the area youlive in, you may need more or less protection from wind and rain. In Virginia,we have summerstorms that bring an inch of rain in just an hour, and with that can comeroof leaks. Your system should not only have great shingles,but also the other protective components necessary to keep the shinglesattached to your home and the water out.
Windows & Doors
The second line of defense against summer storms are your windows and doors. The type of windowor door you outfit your home with can make a difference when it comes tohandling inclement weather. Don’t sacrifice quality for price, but don’t assumethat the window with the highest price will protect your home the best, either.
Sidingand how it is installed can make or break your home when it comes to protectionfrom storms. Vinyl siding is designed to allow water behind it, relying on thevapor and waterproof barrier to do the work. This means that if you have vinylsiding, your best protection is a professional installation. Or, you can gowith JamesHardie® fiber cement siding, which doesn’t allow water behind it. We standbehind and strongly recommend this siding option for our customers.
Gutter System
Of course, no home is protected from heavy rain without agood gutter system. Your gutterswork alongside the downspouts, outlets and fastening system to drain anddisperse water away from your roof and foundation, as well as staying connectedto your home without pulling away and creating damage. We help homeowners withthe right formula of gutter products to successfully handle the rain in theirarea.
Get ‘More’ for Your Home
The best way we can provide “more” to our customers is bybecoming experts when it comes to local climate and products that can handlesummer storms. Roofing & More, Inc. is proud to be a one-stop shop for allyour exterior needs. If you’re ready to start planning a home exterior remodel,give us a call today at (571) 410-0274 or submit our online form to get intouch with our friendly team.
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