One of the biggest mistakes that
make is building their business as if
were the customer. This meansthat their processes have everything they might want if they were to hire thecompany for their own home. Unfortunately, this method leaves some of theircustomers unsatisfied. Everyone is unique, and what one person wants out of aproduct or warranty may differ from what another wants. At Roofing & More, Inc.,we’ve learned that we can offer “more” to our customers by literally offeringmore options.
Solutions for Every Customer
We’ve found that the best method for satisfying everycustomer is to offer a good, better and best option. In order to determinewhich one is right for them, we talk with them in detail, making theseconsiderations:
1. How long are they planning on staying in thehome? If a customer is planning to sell their home within a year or two andknow they need a new roof,whole-house window replacements or even just a new door, they may not want tochoose the “best” option. If someone is building a new home or renovating ahome that will be in the family for generations, they might be seekinghigh-quality products that are built to last for years and years to come.
2. What is the budget? Of course, one of thebiggest factors in making home improvements is budget. Sometimes repairs arenecessary to pass an inspection or maintain the structure of a house andprotect what is inside. Having good, better and best options means you can tryand fit every customer’s budget.
3. The warranty. Manufacturers offer differentwarranties for different products, and sometimes this is the most importantconsideration for customers. If that customer looking to sell their home wantsto increase value by offering a transferable guarantee on the home’s materials,they are going to choose the “best” option with the longest warranty, even ifthey don’t plan to stay.
4. The customer’s personality. Sometimes,the best way to help a customer decide on the product is to just talk to themand understand their personality. Many customers just want peace of mind. Forexample, how with the home hold up each season or when they experience a verystrong storm?
Get More With Roofing & More
At Roofing & More, we know our customers and ourcommunity. Each customer and home is different, and we love being able to offerthem “more” by giving them the right product for their unique home. To discussour good, better and best options, call Roofing & More today at (571)410-0274 or complete our online contact request fora FREE in-home consultation and estimate.
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