"The National Weather Service has issued a freezing rain advisory for much of the greater Washington area, from Fredericksburg to northern Baltimore for the early- and mid-morning hours Friday that could affect morning commutes.The advisory is in effect from 3 a.m. to 9 a.m. Friday. Accumulation of less than a tenth of an inch is forecast. The temperature should be around 30 degrees.Untreated surfaces will be icy and slippery, particularly during the morning commute, the advisory states.A freezing rain advisory means that periods of freezing rain or freezing drizzle will cause travel difficulties, according to the National Weather ServiceDrivers are asked to slow down and use caution."

When winter temperatures drop below freezing, roads can get icy and slippery, so unless you have work, it’s best to stay at home and wait until the sky clears before you travel. However, icy roads are not the only problem you may face during the winter season. Some issues are actually closer to home, and it goes without saying that you may have to deal with some roofing issues as well.

Dangers of snow-covered roofs

Snow can be extremely heavy when it accumulates. According to experts, two feet of snow on an average-sized Arlington roofing assembly can total up to 38,000 pounds. All of this weight can put too much stress on the roof and weaken its underlying structures. To complicate matters even more, melted snow can cause leaks, which can rot wood, flood attics, ravage insulation, destroy gutters, and damage the interior of your home.

Removing snow from the roof

Experts don’t recommend getting on your roof and actually chipping out the ice. What you can do is purchase roof salt products that can help thaw the ice. You can also try using roof rakes that allow you to remove snow on the roof from the ground. These are only temporary fixes, though. Once you have major snow buildup, it’s time to call in a professional.

Mind your gutters

Another important step is to make sure your gutters are clear of blockage and debris so snow melt will flow freely. There are many different types of gutter covers, screens, and heat systems, which are designed to prevent debris, snow, and water from accumulating in gutters. Ask trusted Arlington roofers like Roofing & More, Inc. about these products.

(Article Information and Image from Early-Morning Freezing Rain Advisory Issued for Greater Washington Area, Arlington Patch, January 09, 2014)